Seminar of digital democracy

Exploring the challenges for democracy in the digital age.

Evaluation criteria

# Part Criteria Description Marks
A Course dynamics 6
A1 attendance You attended and actively took part in all sessions. 3
A2 resources shared and contributions You shared at least 3 resources for each session. 3
B Individual case study 14
B1 → content 9
B1a depth of the analysis Your case study reflects a deep understanding and a mature analysis of the topic. 1
B1b critical thinking Your content shows your ability to be a critical thinker who knows how to be nuanced and bring valid arguments. 1
B1c richness of the content Your case study covers various aspects of the topic, nothing is left behind or the limitations are well explained. 2
B1d structuration of the content Your project is clearly organized for easy reading / viewing / using / listening. 2
B1e conceptual clarity All concepts addressed through the project are clearly presented. 1
B1f collection and use of original or relevant data You gathered relevant data to address your topic. 1
B1g quality of the bibliography You gathered relevant knowledge to address your topic. 1
B2 → format 5
B2a rigorous presentation of ideas Your ideas are clearly presented, you use the right words in the right context and in the right order. 1
B2b style Your writing is clear, precise, concise, and makes your content understandable. 1
B2c formatting rules (text, citations, bibliography…) Your content respects the usual academic formatting rules. 1
B2d spelling, syntax, writing quality Your content does not contain any spelling or grammatical errors. 1
B2e format relevance The format chosen is relevant to the content of the project. 1